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The Most Important Discipline of Employee Motivation

employee motivation

As all good employers know, happy employees result in a thriving workplace. Placing a strong focus on employee satisfaction and motivation benefits not only your staff but the company as a whole.

Additionally, it’s extremely fulfilling to know that you’ve managed to create a workplace environment in which people feel motivated, comfortable, and fulfilled.


That being said, how does one improve the motivation of employees in workplace environments? And how do you even begin to measure it in the first place?

This article will tackle these questions, giving you the necessary insight for boosting employee motivation. 


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What Is Employee Motivation?

Before delving any deeper into this topic, we should first provide a more in-depth definition of motivation in a workplace context. So, with that being said: what is motivation in the workplace?

When we talk about workplace motivation, we’re referring to the energy and enthusiasm an employee brings into the workplace.


A person’s motivation determines how much effort they put into their job. Someone highly motivated is more likely to put their all into their work and is compelled by a desire to succeed.


The Two Types of Motivation in the Workplace

Let’s get more specific with our definition. Did you know there are multiple kinds of workplace motivation?

It’s true! In fact, there are two different types of employee motivation for us to consider. These types are described as extrinsic and intrinsic:


  • Extrinsic motivation comes from external sources—for example, from the promise of recognition and material benefits. Extrinsic employee motivation examples include bonuses, raises, perks, and so on.
  • Intrinsic motivation comes from within. Employees with high intrinsic motivation will work hard because they have an innate desire to better themselves. Positive reinforcement and thoughtful feedback encourage these individuals.

employee motivation


How Can You Measure Employee Motivation?

Before you can figure out how best to improve the motivation of your employees, you first have to figure out a way of measuring it.

This can be done through the use of key HR (human resource) statistics:


  • Unexpected working patterns: Have any of your employees suddenly started working from home with no explanation? 
  • Antisocial behavior: Has a worker begun to show toxic behavior in the workplace?
  • Unexplained absences: Has an employee begun taking unexpected days off with little explanation?
  • Poor performance: Have any of your workers been performing at a lower level than expected?


If you find yourself answering one or more of the above questions with yes, the matter could be worth investigating.


How to Increase Staff Motivation

So, you’ve noticed a problem with your employee’s performance and have isolated the issue as a lack of motivation. What steps should you take to improve the situation?

There are lots of employee motivation factors that could be impacting your staff. There are so many that we don’t have the time to discuss them all in this article.


So, in this section, we’ve focused on just a few of the most common ways of boosting employee motivation.

If you try these and find they make no difference, consider asking your employees for feedback: what do they think you could do differently?


Show Your Employees You Value Them

Do you show your employees that you appreciate their efforts? Do you show them that you value them and their contributions to the company?

If not, then that’s the first thing you should address to boost motivation in your organization!


When you show your staff that you are genuinely grateful for all that they do for the business, they are far more likely to feel motivated at work.

After all, nothing is worse for an employee than feeling as if their sacrifices and efforts aren’t noticed. 


Of all these extrinsic motivations for employees in the workplace, this is one of the most important.

Employee motivation NASP

Don’t Micromanage Your Workers

No one enjoys the feeling that their boss is right behind them, breathing down their neck—and your employees are no exception!

To that end, be sure not to fall into the trap of micromanaging your staff, no matter how well-intentioned.


What is “micromanaging,” you may ask. Simply put, micromanaging someone is when you try to control every single aspect of how they do their work, down to the minutiae.

Behaving this way with your employees only sends the message that you do not trust them to know how to do their job.


Employee motivation will only be hampered by behavior like this. So, take a step back and let your staff do the job you pay them for.


Strive to Create a Positive Work Environment

If the environment at your workplace is a toxic one, then you can forget about your employees approaching their work with any sort of enthusiasm. 

Likely as not, you know this already; almost everyone has had the displeasure of working in a job with an unpleasant environment.


No doubt you have experienced that feeling of dread when you wake up to the prospect of another day in a workplace you can’t stand.

Obviously, you don’t want that to be the case for your employees. So, ensure that you do all you can to make your workplace a pleasant one. 


Lead by Example

Another way of boosting employee motivation in the workplace is by leading by example. What does this mean?

Simply put, it means you should behave in a way that matches up with the company values you claim to espouse, and act in a way that you wish your employees would, too.


Don’t just talk about the importance of putting in effort; demonstrate that you are doing so yourself. In other words, don’t just talk the talk but walk the walk.

When your employees see that you are true to your word and that you behave in accordance with company values, they’ll be more likely to follow in your footsteps.


That’s why leading by example is so important to workplace motivation.



Improving Employee Motivation Benefits Everyone

Working to increase morale in the workplace benefits not just your employees, but also the company, your customers, and you as an employer.

When your staff is motivated to work hard, this not only reflects well on you but also gives you the satisfaction of knowing you have created an environment that is pleasant to work in.


In short, as we said at the outset, happy employees result in a thriving workplace. You have every reason to focus on boosting employee motivation, so why not start today?

By following the guidance set out in this article, you will be well on your way to creating a better work environment and boosting motivation in your staff.

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