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Goals in the Sales Industry

What do you want to do? How are you going to get there? As in industry, the aim of the game is to always improve. Look to the future and try and find yourself in 5 years. Where are you in 10? How about 20 years? If you like what you see, keep that as a goal to set your sights on. If you’d rather be somewhere else, figure out where you want to be. That’s your new goal.

When setting goals, remember to make them S.M.A.R.T. goals. This stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time. This provides you with a tool to give yourself an outline that will enable you to achieve your goals.


When writing these goals, be as exact as possible. This is when the “Who, What, Where, When, and Why” comes in. Being precise is the difference between receiving a promotion, and being promoted to Director of Account Management. It gives you something near tangible to get a hold of. Being more specific puts you in a mindset that you know exactly what you want, which makes it easier to get.


With the goals you make, have a checklist to mark your progress as you get closer to achieving them. I see it as climbing a ladder. Each rung you climb, you get closer to the top. Each big account you land, mark that off. Or if there are requirements for your dream job, each one you cross off the list shows you how much closer you are.


Be sure that these goals are what you really want. Don’t “kind of” want to make big goals, only to let them slip through the cracks. The purpose of S.M.A.R.T. is to sort out the real goals from the half-hearted ones. These should match your purpose, your personality, and be something that fits you.


Don’t set yourself up for failure right off the bat. Give yourself a goal that you know you can follow and achieve in the time given. Shooting for CEO in your first year probably isn’t going to work out too well. Make it something you actually want, as well, and have the ability to work towards it.


Give your goal a time limit. Allow yourself time to achieve your goal, but don’t stretch it out so long that you lose interest. Pushing the deadline up too soon might not be enough time, thus you get the feeling of failure. When you have a time, this is something you are able to see and plan accordingly, floating by.

Making S.M.A.R.T. goals gives you something you something concrete that you will better your career, your company, and yourself. For me, my current goal is finishing the Certified Professional Sales Person Course in the 6-week time period. Being able to finish this course through determination and drive will provide opportunities and rewards for anyone. The goal is specific (finishing the course), measurable (day by day), attainable, realistic, and time (6 weeks). So when you’re writing these goals, be S.M.A.R.T.

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