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Influencers Invited Sales Blog

How Asking For Referrals Can Increase Your Sales Effectiveness By 25%

Referrals are one of the most effective ways of finding new prospects in sales—in fact, in some industries, the majority of a business’s customers find them through referrals.  When it comes right down to it, this isn’t surprising. People are far more likely to give a product or service a shot if they’ve had it […]

Thanks-Giving 101

A Better Holiday Greeting This Thanksgiving, why don’t you take the time to send an email of thanks to your customers, potential customers, and supportive contacts before you rush out the door for your turkey dinner with family and friends? All too often, we forget that we wouldn’t have the success we’ve had without people […]

How to Attract Pre-Sold Leads and Lucrative Opportunities with Social Media Marketing

Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Linked In offer service professionals the unprecedented opportunity to get in front of massive audiences in relatively short amounts of time. With such easy access to prospects and leads, it’s essential to have a firm understanding of why you’re there and how you’ll accomplish your goals. Before you […]

Twinkies, 8-Tracks and Hard Closes

Nothing, it is said, lasts forever. Despite popular belief, even a well-packaged Twinkie will not outlast humanity. And recently, the manufacturer of the much-beloved Twinkie, Hostess announced that their doors will soon be closed. 8-tracks, and their obligatory 8-track players, were once the preferred medium for music aficionados, lost their appeal decades ago and have […]

How To Get Referrals Month After Month After Month

How To Get Referrals Month After Month After Month: It’s another day at the office, and you’re waiting for a potential customer to call or walk in. How different would your business be if your current customers were enthusiastically seeking out prospective customers for you? Imagine how exciting it would be to talk to people […]

Prospecting Calls Vs. Networking

This May Surprise You! Prospecting calls empower sales people. Rather than wait for someone to stumble across their product or service a sales person makes things happen. They close deals and control their destiny. Networking is important because people do business with folks they like. Those who network tend to attract others who have similar […]

The Secret To Lowering Your Marketing Cost

Marketing costs are going up..U.S. Postal Stamps are now at an all time high of 46 cents and the cost of shipping magazines and catalogs is up 20%. Newspaper advertising costs as well are estimated to increase along with radio and television. Printers ink and paper cost are estimated to increase. What is a seller […]

Getting Recommended By Others Will Increase Your Profits

Over the past 30 days you have purchased many items and services. If you are like most of us you are completely satisfied with the products and services you purchased. But how many of the sellers have you recommended to your friends, family and colleagues? If you are completely satisfied why haven’t you recommended the […]

5 Important Things to Ask Your Customers

Too often the difference between your business moving at the speed of molasses versus the speed of light is failing to ask your customers certain questions that will make a big difference in your business. Here are 5 important things all business owners should ask their customers. Ask for the BusinessThe number one mistake most […]

Outrun The Bear

8 No Cost Techiques Outrun The Bear: Two men are being chased by a bear in the woods. As the bear is gaining on them, one of the men stops and begins to put on a pair of running shoes. The second man stops beside him and says “The bear is too fast for us. […]